About Us

Who we are:
We are a group of college age students that God brought together in a Sunday morning class.  Over the past several months we have been going through several books together that have really challenged us to grow up in our faith.  They allowed us to come face to face with the fact that our faith and our actions go hand in hand.  They also allowed us to realize that our faith is much bigger than just our relationship with God.  It impacts others relationships with God also.  During this process God allowed us to be in a group where we could openly talk to each other about our struggles and successes in our spiritual walk.  One of the questions we started asking each other was "If you knew God was behind you 100% and you didn't have to worry about money, school, others opinions, etc... What would you do." At first our answers were pretty simple but soon we began to realize that when we really thought about this question God began to reveal more of Himself through the answers.  We began to realize that our hearts passion was really to help and reach out to those that God felt so strongly about.  As a group of girls we all have a soft spot for kids and during this process God showed several of us His passion for orphans.  We began to really feel like God wanted us to do something about this growing desire and that's how this trip came about.  We hope that the trip will continue to grow us.  Our desire is to be able to see these kids as God sees them.  We hope to come back having changed their lives and our own.

How to Contact Us:
If you would like more information about our trip or if you would like to help us with a fundraiser or donate please contact courtney at ourdominicantrip@gmail.com

Thank you so much for visiting our site!