Monday, September 20, 2010

Whitney's Story

Recently, God has been truly opening my eyes to so many things…things that I never really thought about too much in the past. Through this bible study and through these girls, God has shown me my purpose here on this earth and goals to aim for each day I am alive. This is a pretty big deal for someone like me. If you ask anyone who knows me, they would tell you that I am a very indecisive and unsure person. I have never really known what I wanted to do with my life and what God created me for. One of the questions we were always asked in our bible study class was “If you could do anything, and you knew God was behind you 100 %, what would you do?” I never had an answer. I was waiting for a clear and obvious sign from God himself. I didn’t want to make a mistake, mess up my life, choose the wrong path, be a disappointment, or fail to do what God had called me to do. So I waited in uncertainty and did nothing. Slowly, by being in the Word, God has shown me my place in this life. The answer was always right in front of me, written in the Word of God. I am called to live sold out for Christ. I am to completely surrender my whole heart, mind, body, and spirit to Him. He has to be my reason for living and breathing, my reason for speaking, and my reason for singing. I am called to spread the good news of the gospel, to share my faith with boldness and confidence, to stand up for what is right and what is truth, and to be radical in my Christian walk. My goals are to love the Lord my God with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength and to share what He has done for me. My purpose is to share Christ’s love with others and give them the hope of their Savior. My plan is to help others, love on others, impact others, encourage others, and influence others. My mission on this earth is to make disciples of all nations, glorifying God in all I do, being pleasing in His sight. My desire is to help others come near to God and develop a relationship with Him.

One of the most important things I have learned and come to realize is how incredibly important orphans are to God. I learned how all of us as Christians are called to care for the fatherless. God wants us to show His love to them. He wants us to share with them that they all have a heavenly Father that cherishes and adores them. They need to know that they are wanted and accepted. They need to feel important and valued. They need to know that they will never be forgotten and that God is right there with them every day of their lives.

This would be my first ever mission trip. It would also be my very first time out of the country. I am so excited to see these beautiful children and to help out in any way I can. I want to love on these kids and be used by God in every way possible. My prayer is for my heart to break for what breaks God’s heart. I want that to be my focus.

Thank you for your prayers!